2009年10月12日 星期一


The story of "HONEST WOODCUTTER" is about that everyone should be honest. In the begining, a woodcutter fell his axe in the river. This axe is the most important thing to him. So he prayed to the river God. River God show three axe to him. One is the gold axe, the other is silver axe, but this woodcutter does't accept it until God shows the axe which woodcutter had lost. River God is pleas with woodcutter's honesty. He give the gold axe and the silver axe also to him. That tell us honest is very important.

Situation: A woodcutter fell his axe in the river. He ask for River God's help. River God take three kinds of axes to test him there are gold, sliver and iron. Finally this woodcutter is very honest, and earn three axes .

Struggle: The woodcutter ask for River Gods help and has a honest heart. Didn't entice by gold and sliver.

Outcome: The woodcutter earn three axes from River God by his honest heart.

Meaning: This story tell us honst is the most important thing of all the humankind.

