2009年10月26日 星期一

Higher Education

The pattern of listing

Nowaday, education is very important. Every people getting higher education as they can. It is because our world change quickly, we must keep learning until we die. Why we should do this hard work? There are some reasons why we should getting higher education. First, getting higher education can makes you have more opportunities of getting jobs or salaries than others. Second, getting higher education can helps you to know more things than others. For example, when you meet an emergency accident, you may have more method to solve it. It is because you getting higher education, you will have more knowledge than others. So higher education can make us stronger in this society.

The pattern of comparison

Getting higher education is very important. It can helps you to get a better job after graduate. You will have more choices about your job and choose the job you most favorite. On the contrary, low education makes people shallow and poor. You can't choose the future. It is because you don't have more knowledge to handle the job or your life.

The pattern of Time-order

Nowaday, higher education is more important than before. Due to the range of world changed. We have to know more knowledge than before. For the present, high education was difficult. Higher education was equal to the rich person. But now, high education becomes more easily, because there are more colleges than before. Every person have a opportunity to getting higher education. We can learning more easily.

2009年10月19日 星期一

Improve English writing skill

I am a English department student. Writing skill is very important to me. Unfortunately writing is my shortcoming. So I asked many friends and teachers to teach me how to improve my English writing skill. There are some good ways I heard that make me progress speedy.

First, you should read as many books as you can. Reading is one way which helps you memorize vocabulary and know word usages better. Second, watch English or American movies. For example, I like to watch "The Apprentice" produced by Donald Trump recently. The words are useful and live. Watching movies also helps me improve my listening. Third, Keep an English diary. I think this is the most useful method. Writing English every day. That can let me had more confidence when I use English to writing.

To improve English writing skill is not a easy way. You can't do it quickly. You must had more patience and don't be afraid to make mistakes because people learn things from mistakes. If you do these things certainly. You will succeed.

2009年10月12日 星期一

Summary of Hotel California

This song Hotel California's lyrics is about a young man drives a car on the highway. The time of this day is late. He is tired and wants to find a place to stop for the night. A girl leads him to the hotel. At night, people in the hotel lead the man dancing and drinking. They all feel rapture. Finally this man feel afraid and wants to find the passage back to the place he was before. But the night-man tell him that he can never leave. There are full of illusion sence in this lyrics.

Situation: A young man go inside the hotel California. People in the hotel were drinking and use drug. They are all full of illusion.A young man too. Finally he finds it is unusual, and he wants to go out. But the man in the hotel doesn't let him go. Actually the man in the hotel is ghost.

Conflict: The young man running to the door and wants to go out. But the night-man says that the young man can check-out any time he like, but he can't never leave.

Struggle: The young man finally find there is a bad place. He running for the door and try to go out.

Outcome: The lyrics didn't told us what happen finally. But it seems that the young man can't leave ever.

Meaning: This story means that we can touch drug. In the lyrics, colitas is a kind of drug. Hotel means that if you touch the drugs, you can never leave. All people in the hotel is the ghost.


The story of "HONEST WOODCUTTER" is about that everyone should be honest. In the begining, a woodcutter fell his axe in the river. This axe is the most important thing to him. So he prayed to the river God. River God show three axe to him. One is the gold axe, the other is silver axe, but this woodcutter does't accept it until God shows the axe which woodcutter had lost. River God is pleas with woodcutter's honesty. He give the gold axe and the silver axe also to him. That tell us honest is very important.

Situation: A woodcutter fell his axe in the river. He ask for River God's help. River God take three kinds of axes to test him there are gold, sliver and iron. Finally this woodcutter is very honest, and earn three axes .

Struggle: The woodcutter ask for River Gods help and has a honest heart. Didn't entice by gold and sliver.

Outcome: The woodcutter earn three axes from River God by his honest heart.

Meaning: This story tell us honst is the most important thing of all the humankind.